Monday, 2 December 2013


     Salam, apa kabar teman-temanku? :) Kali ini aku akan mencoba untuk menjelaskan secara singkat tentang sel. Kuharap mudah dimengerti oleh kalian.

       Sel berarti rongga kecil, dalam bahasa latin sih seringnya disebut cellula, yaitu kehidupan terkecil. Sel itu pertama kali ditemukan oleh Robert Hooke! Pada saat ia sedang mengamati gabus menggunakan mikroskop. 

      Nah, teman-teman harus ingat, sel adalah unit paling kecil yang menyusun setiap makhluk hidup. Makhluk hidup ada yang terdiri dari satu sel atau uniselular, ada juga yang terdiri dari banyak sel atau multiselular.

       Meskipun sel ada unit terkecil dari penyusun makhluk hidup, mereka juga punya bagian-bagian khusus. Berikut ini adalah nama bagian-bagian sel disertai keterangan dan fungsinya.

1. Membran Sel ( Membran Plasma )
   Membran plasma adalah selaput plasma, dan merupakan bagian terluar pada suatu sel. Fungsinya untuk mengatur keluar masuknya zat pada suatu sel.

2. Dinding Sel
   Dinding sel adalah lapisan di bawah membran sel, dan ini terbuat dari selulosa. Fungsinya untuk memberi kekuatan dan perlindungan pada sel.

3. Sitoplasma
   Cairan bening seperti gel yang mengisi ruang di dalam sel. Berfungsi sebagai tempat berlangsungnya reaksi metabolisme. Di dalamnya terdapat organel-organel seperti vakuola, mitokondria, ribosom, RE, badan golgi, lisosom, sentrosom, nukleus, kloroplas, dll.

4. Vakuola
   Vakuola adalah rongga di dalam sel yang berlapis membran, di dalamnya berisi cairan. Fungsinya sebagai tempat penyimpanan sisa metabolisme dan bahan makanan. 

5. Mitokondria 
   Mitokondria adalah tempat pembentukan sumber energi, ibarat PLN-nya sel! Fungsinya untuk menghasilkan energi melalui proses respirasi sel ( reaksi antara bahan makanan dan oksigen yang menghasilkan energi ). Dimiliki oleh hampir semua makhluk hidup karena perannya yang sangat penting.

6. Ribosom
   Ribosom berbentuk btiran-butiran kecil yang terdapat di dalam sitoplasma atau menempel di permukaan RE kasar. Fungsinya untuk membantu sintesis protein.

7. Retikulum Endoplasma ( RE )
    RE adalah organel yang berbentuk seperti saluran. Ada RE kasar dan RE halus. RE kasar disekubungi ribosom sedangkan RE halus tidak, tetapi dipermukaannya terdapat enzim-enzim. Fungsi dari RE adalah untuk membantu metabolisme karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak. RE kasar membantu sintesis protein dan juga menjadi penghubung inti sel dan sitoplasma, seangkan RE halus dengan enzimnya membantu sintesis lipid dan glikogen.
8. Badan Golgi
   Badan golgi adalah organel yang berbentuk sperti tumpukan kue panekuk. Fungsinya untuk membantu sintetis protein. Ini bekerja sama dengan RE kasar dan ribosom.

9. Lisosom
   Lisosom berbentuk kantung kecil dengan membran tunggal. Fungsinya mendaur ulang bagian sel yang rusak dan mencerna sisa makanan dan zat-zat asing yang masuk ke dalam sel.

10. Sentrosom
   Sentrosom berbentung seperti tabung kecil, ini mengapung di sitoplasma. Di dalamnya terdapatlah sentriol yang berperan dalam pembelahan sel. 

11. Nukleus
   Nukleus ini berbentuk bulat atau lonjong dan biasanya terdapat di tengah atau bagian tepi sel. Ini berfungsi sebagai pusat pengendali kegiatan sel. Di dalamnya terdapat cairan inti ( cairan inti ), nuleolus ( anak inti ), dan selaput inti.

12. Kloroplas
   Kloroplas adalah organel kecil yang berbentuk bulat dan berwarna hijau karena mengandung pigmen klorofil. Berfungsi untuk menghasilkan energi tapi khusus pada tumbuhan. Karena fotosintetis terjadi di dalam kloroplas, yaitu pembuata karbonhidrat sebagai bahan makanannya.

     Itulah bagian-bagian sel secara umum. Sekarang, mari kita lihat perbedaan antara sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan.

Nama bagian sel
Membran Plasma
Ada, Bentuk tetap
Ada, Bentuk tidak tetap
Dinding Sel
Ada, Besar
Ada, Kecil
Badan Golgi
Ada, Tidak memiliki sentriol
Ada, Memiliki sepasang sentriol


     Begitulah teman-teman, kompleks banget ya? Yang ciptain hebat banget. Itu aja dari aku untuk kali ini, semoga berguna ya :) Jangan sepenuhnya percaya sama semua informasi ini walau pun aku udah berusaha untuk ga salah kasih informasi. Mohon maaf bila ada yang salah, terimakasih!

Referensi: Buku Ampuh Biologi SMP/MTs ditulis oleh Fransiska Susilawati.

Friday, 29 November 2013


Hello everybody,  I made a form of questionnaires! Would you like to fill in? Just click here  Hope you guys wnjoy ^^

Friday, 27 September 2013

Horrible Future Prediction

Dear readers, here I, Raissa and my friend, Fatimah are predicting how this world is going to be in the next 30 years. Today is 2013, so the next 30 years will be 2043. Let's predict the circumstances that might happen in that era.

We are predicting the future based on our religion. Our religion told us about the characteristics of doomsday. And right now, some of the characteristics are already seen. We predict in the next 30 years will be worse and we believe the things that our religion taught us will be shown clearly. So,here are the characteristics of the doomsday according to what our religion taught us. 

First is that there will be many tall buildings. For now, we already see them for example in New York. And so, we believe in 2043, the cities are likely to be full of taller buildings and houses will probably be replaced by apartments. 

Second, there will be a lot of boys try to act or resemble the girls in styles, attitudes, movements, and habits. And also for the girls, there will be a lot of girls that try to be look like boys which is more extreme than just a tomboy. We can ensure this because we already can find those people easily. 

Third, there will be a lot of naked people everywhere. Look, now we can easily find people that are using transparent clothes that are even perforated, very short pants that only cover their bottoms.

How embarrassing, they are not shameful of themselves. But this is the truth. Nowadays of women are like this. Can you imagine how will the human dress look like in the future? Perhaps they don’t have any dresses anymore. We think they probably won’t have enough money to buy clothes.

Those were some of the characteristics of doomsday that we have learnt from our religion based on Qur’an and sunnah. And as we have mentioned, we have the evidences that led our predictions. We still have another two predictions that we predict by ourselves.

First is that the technology will be used in everything and in anyway in the future. Because the knowledge’s keep on increasing. But unfortunately we believe there won’t be any beautiful and enormous natural view anymore because it will be ruined by the impact of technology .And we also believe that the people in that era will be more addicted and more depending on the technology. And that will make the people at that time fatter because of less moving because most of people are likely to rely on technology such as robots too much.

The amazing robots that eventually will do the things that human used to do. 

The incredibly sophisticated technology that average of human will rely on. 

The last one is, the population of people will decrease dramatically. Because most of people nowadays prefer having fun than being serious. For example, most of people choose dating than marriage and build family, because all they want is to HAVE FUN and BE FREE without any responsibilities or being bounded by any agreements. 

They don't want to be in an agreement and responsibility.
They don't marry because they don't want to face complicated stuff.

They prefer dating because they only want to have fun.

That was our predictions toward the horrible future in 2043 and so on. Sorry if we have any mistakes and thank you for the attention.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Job Interview Tips

Fapizza Lorenza
Career Consultant

Everyone, for sure, is going to have a job. And there is always an interview if you want to apply for a job. They say job interviews are 'scary' and 'thrilling'. But not to worry! We've got some tips for you job seekers to face your interviews.
ps. This is just for an English task not the real tips you can rely on hehe :)

1. Prepare yourself.  You should prepare yourself from the days before the interviewing day. You might not be called for an interview if you are not accepted in a company but we should prepare an umbrella before it's raining right? :)

2. Don't panic. You ought not to be panic because if you panic, you'll forget everything that you have prepared and in the end you'll just embarrass yourself. So you'd better relax and pray that everything will go well.

3. Behave well. You'd better behave well if you want to get good impressions from the interviewer and to convince the interviewer. Behavior is one of the most important thing in an interview and for the job later in the future.

4. Be confident. You should be confident for your interview. Because if you're not confident during the interview, it'll be awkward for you and for the interviewer. Also, the result won't be maximal if you're not confident.

5. Do the best! You really should do your best on this! This is your golden moment to show your best. If you try to do your best insyaAllah it'll give the best result. It doesn't matter if you're accepted or not. The most important thing is you did your best!

I hope these tips will help you through your interviews and Goodluck!! :D

Friday, 13 September 2013


I.  Fill in the blanks.

  1. HTTP is used as the communication protocol to transport hypertext documents over the Internet.
  2. The URL specifies the address of a file one the Internet.
  3. IP Address is a set of numbers that express the exact physical connection between physical connection between a computer and the network on the Internet.
  4. Web Browser are special software that enable one to systematically search the web.
II. State whether true or false
  1. IP addresses are unique. (true)
  2. TCP/IP is used to identify a particular Internet resource. (true)
  3. A home page is a collection of web pages. (false)
  4. Search engines are the software used to search the web. (true)
  5. Web servers are the computers used to store web browsers. (false)
III. Define the following terms

1. a. WWW : Abbreviation of World Wide Web. It's a system of interlinked hypertext document accessed via the internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks.
    b. HTTP :  HTTP is HyperText Transfer Protocol. It's a protocol that allows variety of computers to communicate with the HTML Language. 
    c. URL   :  Abbreviation of uniform resource locator is a specific character string that constitutes a reference to a resource. 
    d. DNS   :  Abbreviation of Domain Name System. It's ahierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. It associates                       various information with domain names assigned to each of the participating entities.   
    e. Web Server A web server is a computer program that delivers (serves) content, such as web pages, using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), over the World Wide Web.  

   f. Web Pages : Is a web document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and the web browser.

Friday, 6 September 2013

The Life as an Indigenous

April 3rd 1832,

Hello my name is Karen, 14 years old and I’m an indigenous. I’ve  lived in here, Van Diemen’s Land since I was born. Sadly, my life is so full of fears and anxiousness. You know what’s happening? I actually had known nothing until my grandmother told me the history.

It’s the story when she was a little. So when people were working as usual for their life, there were commotion and noise nearby the sea. Then my grandmother and other people went to see what was happening. When they arrived at around the sea, they  were shocked to see some creatures that they had never seen before. She told me that each of the them had 2 legs, 2 arms, a face at the top, had a pale-skinned and they were strangely dressed.

According to what she told me, it seemed that my grandmother and grandfather were very surprised of their unusual appearances and they thought they were evil, ghost or even god. But around 2 years after they lived together with my grandmother and others, we realized that they were humans just like us but they came from another land far away from our place which is called Europe. Some of them treated us nicely but there were some who did rudely too. That’s the history that my grandmother told me.

But currently they’re controlling us. Last time they gave us strict laws and we were totally condemned. For example, they decided some boundaries by their own and we were prohibited to do various things arbitrarily.
“How are we supposed to just sit nicely and listen to them ordering us while this land is originally ours?! They just suddenly came and rule us! Who do you think they are? We won’t be that obedient!” we united our voices.

So, we decided to do what we want to do without being bounded by them anymore. But of course the European got very angry to see how we acted. Since ever, they have attacked us very severely. I think they’re trying to vanish us, you know. And because of this horrible situation,  I’m so scared to go out. It’s just like my heart jumps every time I hear the gunshot.

In fact, this really is a great bloodshed. I just don’t understand what they really want exactly. They just keep on attacking us. I guess more or less, only 200 people are left here. All my father, mother, sisters and brothers  are gone, because they’re murdered by those European people.

Furthermore, I and the others are evacuating right now. I’m at a rainforest with the others and I’ve been hiding here for a month. Since I’m still fourteen, I can’t do anything. If I merely join to fight against those very weird European people, I’d be shot directly before I success hitting one of their face with a gravel. So all I can do is just stay here and pray that all of these will be over soon.

July 15th 1837,

Hey now I’m 19 years old! Anyway, after all those hardship we faced, finally we were moved to another island which is Flinders Island! I’m incredibly happy! But we all are forced to wear that European clothes. Well I don’t dislike it either... So it doesn’t matter! The thing is, I’m very thankful that now we’re liberated from those incredibly terrible bloodshed. 

Presently, I’m doing well without any conflict even though it's not familiar yet for me to do the daily things that European usually do. Such as studying, working, fishing, doing household, etc. The thing is I just can't stop saying the bunches of thanks to the God. I hope my future will be much better than now.                        

Friday, 23 August 2013

The World Wide Web

The World Wide Web

             The World Wide Web is abbreviated as WWW or W3 and it's commonly known as the web. It's a system of interlinked hypretext documents accessed via the internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks.

             The web was developed between March 1989 and December 1990. Using concepts from his earlier hypertext systems such as ENQUIRE (A software project written in 1980 by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN, which was the predecessor to the World Wide Web), British engineer Tim Berners-Lee, a computer scientist and at that time employee of the CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world's largest and most respected centres for scientific research), now Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), wrote a proposal in March 1989 for what would eventually become the World Wide Web.

             The 1989 proposal was meant for a more effective CERN communication system but Berners-Lee eventually realised the concept could be implemented throughout the world. At CERN, a European research organisation near Geneva straddling the border between France and Switzerland, Berners-Lee and Belgian computer scientist Robert Cailliau proposed in 1990 to use hypertext "to link and access information of various kinds as a web of nodes in which the user can browse at will",and Berners-Lee finished the first website in December that year.

              Berners-Lee's breakthrough was to marry hypertext to the Internet. In his book Weaving The Web, he explains that he had repeatedly suggested that a marriage between the two technologies was possible to members of both technical communities, but when no one took up his invitation, he finally assumed the project himself. In the process, he developed three essential technologies:
a system of globally unique identifiers for resources on the Web and elsewhere, the universal document identifier (UDI), later known as uniform resource locator (URL) and uniform resource identifier (URI);
the publishing language HyperText Markup Language (HTML);
the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

            Here are some of the disadvantages and advantages of World Wide Web.

-Able to find lot's of information
-Able to purchase things online
-Able to watch things or listen to things
-Able to play games
-Able to check your account
-Able to find files
-Able to find friends
-Able to do lot's of things

-You can get infections
-You can get hacked
-Not secure
-People can invade your privacy
-People can steal your account
-People decreases the time they go out and stays on the world wide web for too long
-You can get spammed

             That was all from me for the article about the World Wide Web. Sorry if I have any mistakes and thank you for your attention.